Thursday, April 26, 2018


It was one year ago today that I had my 3rd biopsy.  It was a Core Needle Biopsy performed at the Thibodaux hospital - as the Houma hospital did not do this type of procedure.  In my opinion, this should be the first procedure done as it is more accurate than a Fine Needle Biopsy.  The doctor (Dr. Arthurs) was very confident that this would provide accurate results and he was right.  

I was so relieved when the results came in.  Now I knew just what I had and could begin treatment.  In my gut, I knew it was Squamous Cell Carcinoma but needed a biopsy to prove it.  I was 69 years old.   The same age my father was when he died of the same cancer.

On the morning of February 3rd 2017, after brushing my teeth, I looked up in the mirror and saw a lump on the left side of my neck.  Immediately felt that this was serious and not just a swollen gland.  Just a gut feeling but very scary.  It took 3 months to be verified.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Last night I cooked some french fries and dipped them in ketchup.  I've never been a ketchum eater but figured that would make my mouth wet and easier to be able to swallow the potatoes.  

Last time I tried to eat fries they just stuck to my teeth and I had to scrape them off.  Couldn't swallow them and they tasted bad.  So this is good news.  My throat did burn from the ketchup but I ate some ice cream after and that eased the pain.

Maybe I'm getting just a little bit of saliva back.  That would be nice.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Today I was able to eat some turkey sausage.  I was very surprised that I was able to swallow small pieces of it with ease.  I cooked it with some red beans.

I am improving a lot when it comes to eating.  Still can't eat hamburger meat or chicken.  I eat a lot of stews and soups.  However, I'm craving meat, especially steak and pork chops.   

I'm still eating a lot of ice cream.  I have some after every meal.  Since I can only eat a few bites of real food it is what fills me up and also feels good to my throat.

Still having a red and sore throat.  I cough a lot.  Am drinking more water than ever.  The mucous is not as bad as it had been.

The worst symptom is the dry mouth.  Still have no saliva.  Use Xylimelts often to keep my mouth wet.  

Feeling  pretty good otherwise.