Thursday, August 23, 2018


Saw my ENT doctor today.  He scoped my throat and said there was not much swelling at the top of my esophagus.  He is concerned about my continued hoarseness.  I told him it gets worse when I eat certain foods that scratch my throat and foods that are spicy.  So he recommended I begin taking omeprazole prior to eating spicy foods.  He wants to see me again in 2 months.

Got home and I researched the drug and found that this drug is also known as Prilosec which is a Proton Pump Inhibitor medicine designed to reduce stomach acid. If a person has too much stomach acid, it can flow into the esophagus. This can cause severe forms of heartburn and other medical problems.  I'm not having any heartburn.

In 2017, researchers found that long term use of Proton Pump Inhibitors doubled the risk of gastric cancer.  My mother died from stomach cancer.  She took this drug for many, many years.

Researchers also concluded that it caused five percent of all esophageal cancers.  Prilosec dangers also include an increased risk of kidney disease and long term kidney damage.

Prilosec alternatives include:  Maalox, Alka-Seltzer, Pepto=Bismol, and Tums.  

I think I'll use one of these instead.

Friday, August 10, 2018


Had my stomach tube removed 4 months ago.  They would only remove it if I said I was able to eat.  I lied in order to have it removed.  I thought I would just drink the protein drinks I was putting down the tube and that would be fine.  I just wanted that awful, corroded thing to be out of me.

Well my plan worked.  For weeks I drank my protein drinks and eventually started to try various soft foods.  My taste buds were still not right and things tasted awful.  However, ice cream tasted pretty good.  Not every kind of ice cream but  Blue Bell Vanilla tasted the best.  Still tasted a little salty at first but I was beginning to be hungry most of the time so it filled my stomach which was great.  Eventually I was able to eat more food but only a few bites and then I would fill up on ice cream.

That soon became my crutch.  I depended on that ice cream so much and it became my main source of nourishment.  I would panic if I was getting low on my supply and would quickly get to the store for more.  Towards the end I was eating several gallons a week and when the scale started to show weight gain I knew it was time to stop.

So this week I began to wean off of the ice cream.  The first few days were awful.  Every waking moment all I thought about was ice cream.  I reduced my intake to one serving a day for a few days.  Then when I ran out I didn't buy any more.  It's been 3 days now that I have not had any ice cream.  I'm eating jello a couple of times a day and that satisfies my craving.  

I am able to eat almost anything as long as I wash it down with a soup or a drink.  Still can't eat meat though.  I consider myself a vegetarian of sorts.  I eat a lot of vegetables - mostly squash, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, etc.  I also eat a lot of creamy soups.  If I cook a stew I will use meat for flavor but am unable to swallow it.  I sure would like a hamburger but know it will be an unpleasant experience.

So that is my story of ice cream addiction.  It is a real thing.  Who knew?