Thursday, August 29, 2019


My brother drove himself to and from his treatments today.  I met him at the Cardiac Clinic for his pacemaker check and an EKG to see if anything was affected by the cancer treatments.  His cardiologist said everything is fine and he does not know why the Radiation Oncologist suggested he be seen by the Cardiologist.

However, the Cardiologist did schedule a weekly visit for a pacemaker interrogation by placing a wand over the chest where the device is located. It takes only 10 or 15 minutes.  So it was set for every Friday at 2:30 in the afternoon - right after his radiation treatment scheduled for 1:45.

They are keeping very close tabs on all of his fluid levels and pacemaker.  I'm very impressed with the high degree of care he is receiving from the Chemo Therapy Department.

Today he received one infusion bag of saline solution which took an hour and a half.  No chemo today.  Yesterday he had saline and steroids and nausea meds then his chemo.

His wife brought him some lunch and I went to the cafeteria and ate.  By the time I returned it was about time to leave for the Radiation Department.

He had his ten minute treatment and all went well and he drove himself home.

On September 4th he is scheduled to have Lab work at 1:30 then his radiation treatment at 1:45 then see the Nurse Practitioner Ms. Rose at 2:00.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Picked up my brother at his house at 7:30am and drove to the cancer center.  He received two infusions of fluids containing various elements including steroids and nausea meds.  Then after each bag of fluids his lines were flushed with more fluids.  That took 4 hours.  Then he was given the chemo fluids which took another 2 hours to drip into his port followed by more fluids.  He finished right after 4:00pm.

He went to the radiation department at around 4:30 for his first radiation treatment.  They tested his pacemaker to see if it was affected by the chemo and radiation and showed the Oncologist who now wants him to see his Cardiologist tomorrow morning before any more treatments.  Something on the reading of the pacemaker has the doctor concerned.  So tomorrow morning before his infusion at 11:30 he needs to see Dr. Abben at the Cardiac Center.  If all is ok he will get fluids only - no chemo - and then after lunch his daily radiation treatment. 

It was a long day for both of us.  His wife brought him some lunch and I came home for an hour or so and then returned till all was done.  He returned home with his wife.

I'll be picking him up tomorrow morning at 7:30 to go to the Cardiac Center and then to the Cancer Center for fluids and his second radiation treatment.

I'm calling his cancer Jack.

Finally got approved for his meds after several phone calls.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Met my brother at the cancer center for his blood work prior to his first Chemo and Radiation treatment tomorrow.  All results in normal range.

We had a long visit with the Nurse  Practitioner Ms. Rose and got a lot of information from her.

After his first chemo tomorrow he will be sent to the Radiation Center for his first treatment there.  Then the next day he is to return to the chemo department for a check on his blood work and for fluids if needed.  Then to the radiation department for his second treatment.  She said that he will feel the effects for a few days after his first treatment.

He is to go 5 days a week for radiation treatments and once every 3 weeks for chemo.

We were shown the chemo room and there were a lot of chairs and a lot of people in them receiving chemo.  There was a whole wall of windows with a great view of the trees and sky outside.  There was a bathroom on one end of the room and also a place with food and snacks on the other side of the room.

It was kinda strange looking to me.  These patients were sitting comfortably in their soft reclining chairs - hooked up to the IV bags and doing normal things like reading, using their phones and computers.  It just looked surreal.  Like something out of a futuristic movie.  All these patients with cancer doing normal things while hooked up to poison that will try and kill the cancer growing in them and could possibly kill them as well.  Poison that will make them really ill and leave them with many side effects.  I'll never forget the feeling I got when I walked into that room.  The scene is burned into my mind.

I really liked the nurse practitioner who did a great job of explaining the procedure and what to expect.  In my opinion, chemo patients receive a lot of attention to detail and closely cared for - more so than radiation patients.  

I would have needed fluids on many occasions during my radiation treatments but it was not mentioned or offered to me.  In fact it was ignored when I showed symptoms of dehydration.  At one point I had to sit down outside of the center as I felt that I would faint.  A friend was with me and wanted to drive me home but I rested a while then drove home.  I was really sick at this point which was early in my treatment.

We all left the center and all felt overwhelmed by the experience.  I will be driving him to all of his treatments starting tomorrow at 7:30am.

Monday, August 19, 2019


Met my brother at the cancer center today for his run through with the radiation mask.  Took many photos of him on the radiation table with the mask on.  He did not receive radiation today it was just to see if the measurements were in line.  Took about 10 minutes.  It also gave him a good idea of how the treatments were going to be.  After complaining that it was too tight around his throat they adjusted it and he went through it well.  

He expressed how he does not understand why he has to have chemo.  I reminded him that his tumor is larger than mine was and that he needs more aggressive therapy.  The techs agreed.  He seems to be remembering things differently than what was explained to him by the oncologists.

He is having some problems with low blood pressure.  Told him to talk to his family doctor about this.

His mouth is still not healed completely and today is day 7.  There is some bruising on the outside of his jaw.

He will be hearing from his chemo doctor and radiation doctor as soon as the results of today's run through are calculated and when the oral surgeon has released him.  He sees the surgeon this afternoon.

They want to do chemo and radiation at the same time.  I'm thinking in about two weeks.

Putting on the dreaded mask.

Taking measurements.

I'm in awe of this machine and the power it has.

The Elekta Proton Accelerator in rotation.  
Photo blurry as my hands began to shake.  Memories... you know.

Coming out and glad it's over.

Monday, August 12, 2019


Met my brother and his wife at the surgeon's office this morning.  He was taken in at 9:30am and we returned home by 11:30am.  All went well.  Thirteen teeth removed.

I changed his mouth dressing while his wife went to the store to obtain items he will be needing.  Can only have cold liquids today.  Tomorrow will need to rinse with salt water.  Then he can have soup and ice cream, etc.  Will return to surgeon in a week for follow up.


Mammogram results showed no lump or mass but scattered fibroglandular elements are present.  Will continue to get scanned every year.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Had a mammogram done yesterday.  Last one was done in February of 2017 - a couple of months before finding the enlarged lymph node in my neck and my ensuing battle with cancer.


Went to my brother's house yesterday to flush his tube and clean his stoma.  It had a good deal of blood on the gauze and was hard to clean it all out.  I feel that it needs to be loosened as it a appears too tight against his body.  Didn't see any more bleeding after placing a new gauze with antibiotic cream.

My main concern now is that he hasn't had a bowel movement in 3 days and is taking pain meds which has him constipated.  I warned him about the dangers of an impaction.  Encouraged him to take Miralax when taking the hydrocodone.  Hope it works today.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


My brother is running a low grade fever again today.  I went over to flush his tube and clean his stoma.  Told him to take a pain pill before I clean his wound as it would hurt.  So he took one hydrocodone which brought his fever down as well. 

He is complaining of pain in his side and back under his shoulder blade on the left side.  Is worried that it is a collapsed lung.  I did some research and a symptom would include coughing which he does not have so we both think it is a pulled muscle from pulling himself up out of bed.  Will take a wait and see on this.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


My brother had his surgery today for placement of the PEG tube and the Port.  Surgery went well and after a long period in recovery he was sent home with pain meds.  

A few hours later he developed a fever of 102.4 and his wife placed a call to the Gastro doctor who said to take him to ER.  Spent the next 3 hours in ER waiting for results of blood work and chest X-Ray.  I left at around 9:00 pm and still no results.  He was admitted to the 5th floor which is the surgery floor of the hospital.

The next morning he was informed that all of his tests were normal and that he would be getting IV antibiotics and a 2 night stay.  He was discharged with "fever of unknown origin" and sent home with no antibiotics.