My brother got his stomach PEG tube removed... finally. It was implanted on August 2, 1019 - 3 years and 3 months. I only had my tube for 8 months.
My cardiologist visit was not so good. He ordered an EKG, Echocardiogram and a CT Cardio Scan to look for blockages. Have had A-fib on and off for the last few weeks due to stress. Then had a blood pressure drop where I almost fainted. B/P taken after attack was 81/41. Very scary.
Dr. Abben put me on a blood thinner and Digoxin. The blood thinner makes me dizzy. Not in A-fib any longer. Just a hard thump now and then.
Dr. Abben took me off of Eloquis and will put me on Zerelto. I'm not to take any more blood thinner meds till I find out what the lump on my neck is.