Thursday, February 23, 2023


 Had my second visit with my Warfarin Team at the Cardiac Clinic today.  I will have to go every week for a finger stick to check my blood levels for the blood thinner I'm taking for A-Fib.  My number last week was a baseline number of 1.0.  Today's level was 2.5 - right where it is supposed to be.  I need to keep it at 2.0-3.0.  After 3 months I will be able to bring the testing machine home and check it myself and call it in to the clinic.  

There are so many foods that I can not eat due to the high vitamin K content which hinders the blood thinner from doing its job.  So no leafy greens which is full of vitamin K.  The total amount of vitamin K I can have in a day is 80 micrograms.    A cup of spinach contains 988 micrograms.   A cup of boiled cabbage contains 163 micrograms.   A cup of brocoli contains 220 micrograms.   I'm having a hard time finding the right foods to eat.  I'm not a meat eater so need to get some protein from mainly fish and seafood.

This blood thinner is the second one I have tried and not having any reactions to it.  The first one made me very dizzy and unstable.  Haven't had an irregular heartbeat in 3 days.  Haven't felt this good for the last 3 months.  I hope this lasts.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 Had appointment with Cardiologist this morning.  Had an EKG which he said was OK.

Went over the incident with the CAT scan ordered by my ENT and how the premeds caused me to go into A-fib.  Told him I will not take any contrast or pre meds/steroids again.  

Informed him that I am still having A-fib episodes daily.  He changed my heart meds from Digoxin to Diltiazem.  He also put me back on the blood thinner Warfarin which he had originally prescribed for me. Have to attend classes at the clinic for a few weeks to learn how to use the blood thinner and equipment to monitor.

He explained that I should not worry about having a Cardiac PET scan with radioisotope as it is not a contrast.  I agreed to have one.  He said to schedule it when I am ready.

He said that if none of these things work he would order treatment of atrial fibrillation using intravenous infusion of certain meds which I would have to be in the hospital for this procedure.

Wants to see me back in 6 weeks.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Had appointment with my GP today. Informed him of the kidney pain I've had for the last 2 weeks since the CAT scan ordered by my ENT doctor with contrast and pre meds but no infusions.  I asked for a urinalysis and x-ray which he ordered.  Results showed no blood in urine ruling out kidney stone.  X-ray showed no stones in kidneys.  Now I'm really concerned that there is severe damage to my right kidney as the pain will not go away.  I believe it is damage from not having an infusion prior to the CAT scan.

My GP referred me to a Urologist but warned me that he will want to do a CAT scan with contrast.  If I refuse he may want to do a Cystoscope. Not happy about that.  

I asked if he could give me something for the kidney pain and he agreed to give me some Hydrocodone.  Warned me not to take it at the same time as the Xanax which I take to stop the A-fib attacks.

Informed him that my fasting blood sugar this morning was 177.  He said we may have to up the Metformin but did not order a stronger dose. 

Told him I am tired all the time and stay in bed all day.  Also have a little nausea which I attribute to the kidney problem.

Showed him a print out of the results of my CAT scan of my head and neck taken 2 weeks ago.  We went over the results.  He did not examine my lump on the left side of my neck.  I told him that I feel it is a recurrence of the cancer I had 5 years ago.  It's at the same place and is accompanied by an earache just like before.

Informed him about the heart doctor's order for a cardiac CAT scan several weeks ago.  Cardiologist ordered three hours of infusion to protect my kidneys.  I am allergic to the contrast so need to take pre meds prior to scan.  Could not complete the scan as I had the wrong premeds.   Sent me home and took me off blood thinner till the issue with the lump in my neck is resolved.  I see him next week to decide how to proceed with my heart condition.

Ended my session with the GP by me telling him that I feel that I am dying.  He said no you're not dying.  I said it feels that way.