Had my second visit with my Warfarin Team at the Cardiac Clinic today. I will have to go every week for a finger stick to check my blood levels for the blood thinner I'm taking for A-Fib. My number last week was a baseline number of 1.0. Today's level was 2.5 - right where it is supposed to be. I need to keep it at 2.0-3.0. After 3 months I will be able to bring the testing machine home and check it myself and call it in to the clinic.
There are so many foods that I can not eat due to the high vitamin K content which hinders the blood thinner from doing its job. So no leafy greens which is full of vitamin K. The total amount of vitamin K I can have in a day is 80 micrograms. A cup of spinach contains 988 micrograms. A cup of boiled cabbage contains 163 micrograms. A cup of brocoli contains 220 micrograms. I'm having a hard time finding the right foods to eat. I'm not a meat eater so need to get some protein from mainly fish and seafood.
This blood thinner is the second one I have tried and not having any reactions to it. The first one made me very dizzy and unstable. Haven't had an irregular heartbeat in 3 days. Haven't felt this good for the last 3 months. I hope this lasts.