Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Picked  up the script for the suction machine today.  Took it to the supply place but they were out to lunch.  Returned after lunch and submitted it along with my insurance card.  I was told to have a seat while they contacted my insurance company.  After 30 minutes I told them I had to leave to get to the clinic for my treatment.  They said they would deliver it tomorrow.  

For those doctors out there who don't know how to write an order for a suction machine for a throat cancer patient, here is how it's done.

It's getting harder to swallow as my throat is swollen.  I tried cottage cheese today and had to spit it out.  I can still swallow pudding, clear broth, and chicken soup.  Couldn't take any of my pills today.  Can barely get down half a Xanax with coke and pudding as it stays stuck in my throat.

I'm having a reaction to the protein drinks.  Every time I pour the protein drinks down my PEG tube I get immediate gobs of mucous in my throat.  This does not happen when I drink beef broth or soup.  I just can't handle all that milk and sugar.  I'll ask the Dietician tomorrow if there is anything else I can nourish myself with besides all those milk products. 

Tomorrow I'll speak to the pharmacist about the pills that I can and can't crush to put down my PEG tube.  Meanwhile I am not taking any of them.  They are just too big to swallow.

My neck is still itching a lot.  I keep it coated with Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera lotion as well as Cortizone 10.  It is now turning red and is tender.  This is my 4th week of treatment.

You can see the lymph node in this photo.  Not as big as it was.  In fact, it is about half the size it was at the beginning of treatment.

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