Thursday, September 14, 2017


Had appointment with Oncologist today.  He examined my throat and listened to my lungs.  Informed him of the coughing spells.  He said that the Hydrocodone would act as a cough medicine and should help with that.  He gave me another script for the pain meds.

He looked on the computer for the report from the ENT doctor's recent scope and read it out loud, "No visible signs of cancer."  He congratulated me and shook my hand.  He was very excited about the findings. 

I told him how I felt about the ENT doctor's reaction and he said that is just the way he is.  I told him that maybe "visible" is the key word here and maybe that's why he was reluctant to say no cancer anymore.  I got no response to that.

I asked when I would be getting the PET scan and he said in 3 months - so I'm thinking in December.  He said I still had a lot of swelling in my throat.

He encouraged me to increase my drinking and to try to start eating.  We discussed my upcoming Swallow Test next week.

I have been drinking more sips of water and have also increased my tube feedings.

Today I ingested 1006 calories, 83 grams of protein, and 12 ounces of water.


  1. Congratulations! Every little step forward brings you closer to leading a normal life again.

    Virtual hugs,

