Thursday, November 2, 2017


Last night about 2:00am I started having chills that were so severe I moaned out in pain.  I didn't take my temperature because I drank a little water and knew it would not be accurate.  My whole body hurt.  About an hour later I decided to take some Hydrocodone.  It did help some and I was able to sleep some more but kept waking myself up moaning in pain and trembling.

This morning I felt better.  No chills all day till about 4:00pm.  Felt very weak so took my temperature and it was 100.2.  Did a tube feeding, some Miralax, and took some more Hydrocodone.  Hadn't taken any since about 3:00am.  Called my Oncologist and spoke to his nurse who said to go to the emergency room.  I feel to weak to go to the ER.

The only pain I am having is in my stomach.  Lots of gas and bloating.  I feel that I may have ingested some bacteria from the damaged cans of Glucerna I used yesterday.  Nothing else hurts - not even my throat.  Several hours later I had a bowel movement that was not normal.  I felt relief afterwards.

I will wait and see if the fever goes down and then decide what to do.  This is a little scary.

I called my friend Pat to inform him that I would not be going to his house this weekend.  We will reschedule for another weekend.  I was so looking forward to going to the beach.

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