Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Saw my ENT doctor today.  He scoped me and said no evidence of a recurrence but still have some edema.  I was sure of that as I still speak with a hoarse voice.  Wants to see me again in one month and will scope me every two months.

Then went to my Oncologist.  He listened to my lungs and looked in my throat.  Was very pleased with my improvements.  I told him I wasn't in any pain but did have a lot of discomfort with my throat, tongue, and neck.  

Also told him I wanted to have the PEG tube removed. He informed me that my ENT doctor could remove it if he would agree to it.  I didn't know that.  He cautioned me to discontinue using the tube for one month with no weight loss before having it removed. That might be hard to do.  He wants to see me again in two months.

Went to the Financial Services Office and obtained another application for assistance as this current one will expire in February.  I'm sure I will be getting another PET scan in a few months and don't want to have to pay almost $300 as my portion of payment.

I'm feeling pretty good today.  It is one of my "good days" and I'm feeling happy.

1 comment:

  1. Good days are . . . well . . . good! Many more are coming your way!!! ;->

    Virtual hugs,

