Friday, July 19, 2019


Went with my brother to his Medical Oncologist appointment today.  The doctor explained in detail about the Chemotherapy he will be receiving.  He will be getting 3 rounds of Cisplatin to be given every 3 weeks.  He may also be given a 4th round.

He was informed that this will be causing some painful discomfort in the throat area as well as what the radiation will be causing at the same time.  

The doctor said that he was a Stage II - Squamous Cell Carcinoma - HPV 16+ which has a high rate of survival but did not say what percent.

So now he has an appointment next week with the Gastro doctor for a consult on the PEG tube placement.  Then a consult with a doctor for the Port placement to be done at the same time.

The following week is his appointment with the Oral Surgeon to see if he needs to have all of his teeth pulled.  

The Medical Oncologist wanted to start treatment the first week of August but that won't be possible due to the dental appointment so said he would wait and see what the dentist says and then begin about 7 days after dental work is completed.  

My brother was a bit overwhelmed again today.  Voiced concerns about his blood thinner and pacemaker and how this treatment will affect these things.   He was assured that this will be monitored and care taken.

He does not have his whole heart into fighting this cancer and stated it may not be worth the effort if his chances are slim.

His wife and I are giving encouragement and hope it is helping him some.

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