Transported my brother to the cancer center for his labs and infusion yesterday. He also saw the nurse practitioner who informed him that he has lost a lot of muscle mass and would benefit from physical therapy. She also said that his lab results showed that he was anemic.
This would explain why he is so weak. Today was the first time that he needed a wheelchair to get around. He gets light headed due to his low blood pressure. She advised him to have all his medications checked by his doctor. She gave him a hand out listing different liquid iron supplements and foods that he can eat to help with his anemia. He will be getting another infusion next Tuesday. Not sure when they are going to cut him off completely as he is still getting dehydrated.
He had a Swallow Study done and was told that he can be on a soft diet. He is eating by mouth a little and still using his PEG tube for protein drinks.
Today he went to his cardiologist and had his pacemaker checked which is fine and also had an echocardiogram. His heart is fine.
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