Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Had followup appointment with my ENT doctor today to go over the results of my recent CAT scan of my head and neck. It turns out that I misunderstood the results of the lump on my left side of my neck.  The results show a 5 mm stone within the right submandibular salivary gland not the left.  ENT told me that I've had that stone since he first diagnosed me 5 years ago and not to worry about it. 

They don't know what the marble size lump is on my left side of my neck in a lymph node.  It shows no tumor/cancer on the CAT scan.  That could be that it is still too small to show on the scan.  

Info found on my research:

Due to the physical limitations, however, the minimum lesion size that can be measured with CT is about 3 mm.  

Normal CT images showed high false-positive rates of incorrect interpretation 28.2% of the time.  CT scans often miss soft tissue injuries and other abnormalities.

It's important to note that some cancers may be overlooked on a CT scan. Lesions may be missed for a variety of reasons, including location and human error. Still, CT is more sensitive than a simple X-ray. A CT scan can find lesions as small as 2-3 mm.

My ENT said that if it grows to return to his office for further testing.  In my mind there is still a possibility that it a recurrance of the cancer in its pre stage.  Symptoms are the same as 5 years ago with ear ache and tenderness on the lymph node.  Remember... I've been here before.

He referred me to Orthopedic Dr. Chris Cenac for treatment of the spinal stenosis.

He wants to just wait and see what happens to the atrophic thyroid.  I am already taking thyroid meds for that.   

I explained to him about the reaction I had to the pre meds I had to take prior to the CAT scan of my head and neck.  The steriod pill was one of the pills in the pre meds that threw me into A-fib.  I called the clinic and spoke to the nurse and she said to drink lots of water to flush the kidneys out.  I took some Xanax which stopped the A-fib.  I should have had an infusion prior to the scan which would have protected my kidneys.

My kidney functioning gfr number went from 39 to 37.  Normal is above 60. 

I told him that I will no longer approve a CAT scan with contrast or take any premeds ever again. 


  1. Hi Linda - Sorry to hear that you are having difficulties again. Hope everything turns out okay. My heart goes out to you.

    I lost my darling, Gary, on August 15th, 2021 to Multiple Myeloma after his 15-year fight for life with this horrible disease. He really loved your guitar man painting!

    1. Hi Judilyn... So sorry for your loss. I am having several new medical problems and feeling pretty awful most of the time. Lots of doctor appointments and tests. It's like my body is just falling apart.

  2. Hi Linda - Please feel free to contact me if you need an attentive ear!
