Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Saw my ENT today.  Was scoped and there is less edema than the last time.  So that is good news.  I'm still a little hoarse though.

Told him about my coughing fits and he said it may be allergies or perhaps the Lisinopril meds I'm taking for high blood pressure.  I'll talk to my family doctor about this.

I'm eating more varied foods and enjoying it.  Still can't eat meat or bread.  Still eating a lot of ice cream but am trying to cut back as I am gaining weight which I don't want to do.

Having no saliva is the main complaint at this time.  Otherwise I am doing well.  Getting my strength back.  Doing some outside gardening and upkeep of the house.  I take afternoon naps which is nice.

I will see him again in 2 months. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read that you are continuing to improve! Some day it may all be but a memory!

    Virtual hugs,

    Judie (and Gary)
