Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Had my first appointment with the surgical oncologist at Ochsner Cancer Center in New Orleans today.  My Sister-in-law drove me there as I am not able to drive due to the amount of pain meds I'm taking. 

The hospital is very inpressive.  Everything looks new. Most importantly there is a head and neck cancer center and my doctor is a specialist in that area.  He was straight up with me and explained in detail what was going to happen.

He reviewed my records and then looked at my tongue and throat.  He said that it was a small tumor but I told him it was growing fast.  He set a date for surgery for the 10th of May.  He will be removing the infected tooth as well as half of my tongue and a lymph node.  He will reconstruct my tongue with a flap of skin from my arm and replace that area with a flap of skin from my thigh.

I will have a trach for breathing and a PEG tube for eating. Will be in ICU for a few days and then able to go home within 7 to 10 days.  He said I may never be able to eat by mouth again.  That really got me. I kept it together till then.

He assured me that surgery is my only option for this cancer.  I was hoping for Proton Therapy but he is the third doctor who said that was not an option.

He wanted to order a PET scan then changed his mind and decided on an MRI.  I asked if I could have that done in Houma as they have an open MRI.  He really didn't want to do that but I stressed to him that I would not be able to stand the closed MRI so it would be a waste of time.  Still waiting on the results of that request.

He didn't take into consideration that I would need hyperbaric treatament for the tooth extraction as it is invasive into the jaw bone.  I will call and inquire about that today.   I would need at least 20 prior to the procedure and more after.  That would put the surgery back from the original date. Don't know what to think about that. 

There is so much information to remember.

Friday, April 21, 2023


 My INR number today was 2.4 which is good.

I had to call my ENT doctor and my dentist today as one of my teeth seems to be infected.  ENT never called me back.  Dentist called and I explained what had been happening with my health for the last few months.  He ordered some antibiotics and pain meds and referred me to an oral surgeon for removal of the tooth.  He reminded me that I will need hyperbaric treatment prior to any dental procedures and to be sure and tell the surgical oncologist at Ochsner Hospital on Tuesday when I see him for my first appointment. 

The ear pain is really severe even with pain meds.  It seems that the tooth is what is causing the ear pain and not the cancer on my tongue.  The lump in my lymph node also hurts but not as bad.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


 On  April 12th I met with my ENT to go over the results of my biopsy.  It is Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Test shows that it is negative for HPV 16.  Not good.

He referred me to MD Anderson in Houston as I had requested because they offer Proton Therapy.

For 2 whole days I was on the phone with various people who I was told could help me with getting registered and also to apply for some assistance with lodging and financial assistance.  As it turns out no one could help me and I was told that this was going to be an expensive experience.  Housing is very expensive in this area and free housing has a waiting list 6 months long.  The last person I spoke with advised me to contact the American Cancer Society.  By this time I had made up my mind that I was not going to be a patient of MD Anderson.

I got online and researched cancer centers in the New Orleans area.  I was pleased to see that there was a center that performed types of surgery I might be needing.  Spent a whole day searching for just the right doctor and clinic.  At about midnight last night I made an appointment by using their phone app.  I will be seeing Dr. Hasney at Ochsner Cancer Center in New Orleans on April 25 at 3:30. This hospital is only an hour from my home.

The lump on my tongue is spreading and has grown into my gum line.  We need to hurry this process up before it is too late. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Had my tongue biopsy yesterday. Will get results in about a week.  My ENT wasn't kidding when he said it was going to hurt.  I have pain pills and liquid hydrocodone as well.  Also have to take an antibiotic to keep bacteria at bay.  He told my brother that it looks like an ulcer.  Not sure an ulcer would make my lymph node swell up and give me a constant earache.  

Come to think about it my ENT never once labeled my cancer when I had it 5 years ago.  He never called it a tumor or ulcer or anything.  I guess he tends to stay away from those scary words.  However, he did tell me I had cancer at the base of my tongue.

I get back on my blood thinner Warfarin tonight.  Have a follow up appointment on the 12th at 11:00.