Friday, October 4, 2019


It's been two days since his last infusion and he is really sick.  Very weak and nauseated.  Can not tolerate tube feeding.  Looks very bad with cheeks sunken in.  Very dehydrated.  The second chemo treatment is really kicking and taking its toll.

His neck is also starting to peel and crack from the radiation.  He is not cleaning it as he should and putting Aquaphor ointment several times a day.  He is not taking in the amount of water he needs to help with the dehydration.  He also refused Speech Therapy which would teach him how to help in swallowing.  I don't think this is the right time for that.  Maybe in a few weeks.  Right now he is not taking anything by mouth.

I spoke with his wife about getting an order for fluid infusion every day.  Also encouraged inpatient treatment for the third chemo treatment and after.

We will see the Medical Oncologist on the 16th prior to his third chemo treatment.  Hopefully we can discuss these issues at that time.

He is having the expected discomfort of no taste buds and smell is off - but no pain.  

Today he said he just wanted to die.  So little energy he used signs in order to communicate with us.  His throat is not hurting him, however, that radiation pain will be here in a few more weeks.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear your brother is having such a hard time of it. It is definitely no fun, but hopefully he will be able to power through it somehow.

    Virtual hugs,

