Wednesday, May 26, 2021


First appointment was with my ENT.  Got scoped and he said I had a blood blister on my esophagus.  He was not concerned about this finding. 

I informed him about the throbbing sensation I am having on my thyroid where the nodule is located.   He ordered an Ultra Sound.

Left ENT office and went to see my Oncologist next.  Discussed my continued improvement from Radiation Therapy.  He is very satisfied with my getting more saliva.  I'm guessing I'm at about 80%.

Next day I saw my family doctor.  Discussed continued bouts of allergic reactions where my throat closes up for several seconds.  Also informed him that my blood sugar is really high on fasting.  It has been between 180 and 200 every morning since I started taking the thyroid meds.  I told him I felt that the Levothyroxin was causing the high blood sugar numbers.  He disagreed.  Sent me for blood work.  Said he would call me with results.

He called me yesterday and said he wanted me to start taking an increased dosage of the thyroid meds.  So now I'm on Levothyroxin 50 MCG TAB ALV instead of 25 mcg tabs.

While we were talking on the phone I had a throat spasm where my throat closed up.  I quickly drank a sip of water then another sip before I could speak.  I told him my throat had closed up again.  He didn't seem concerned and stayed quiet while I gasped for breath.  It's been happening more frequently and it is very scary.

Today my ENT did the Ultrasound and said the nodule on my thyroid had not grown.  He suggested that the sensation I am having in that area could be a muscle spasm.  Is considering a biopsy of the nodule.

I told him about the throat closing episodes and he wants me to take an antihistamine - Zyrtec plain daily.  It's an over the counter drug used for allergies.  Will see him again in 6 months.




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