Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Drove my brother to the cancer center this morning for his last of 3 chemo treatments and the last of 35 radiation treatments.  He was given a Ring The Bell ceremony at each department and given a small bell as a remembrance.  He also received a certificate from each department which was signed by the nurses and technicians.

It was a very long day.  We were there around 8:00am and left after 5:00pm.  He will still be going in for his fluid infusion every few days until he can maintain on his own.  It will probably be several weeks of infusions as the chemo treatment really takes its toll on his fluid balance.

The radiation burn on his neck is not looking good but will soon be on the mend.  He is putting two different types of cream on the burn.

His Medical Oncologist looked into his throat and said there is a hole where the tumor was.  He asked his wife and I if we wanted to see and we said yes - so we took a peek.  The two lymph nodes in his neck has reduced as well.  He won't be getting a PET scan for 3 months at which time we will know for sure if he is cancer free.  His Radiation Oncologist feels that it will be good news.

With radiation treatment you still cook for 4 to 6 weeks following the last treatment so he has a way to go with pain and discomfort.  Recovery is a slow process but it will get better.   He will probably continue feeding through his PEG tube for several more months.  He is getting good nutrition and keeping his weight at a good level - only lost a few pounds.  


  1. Hoooray for all three of you! It isn't just the efforts of the patient!!! But he looks pretty happy in the pictures. I'm sure you were an inspiration for him. Best of luck in this recovery period.

    Virtual hugs,

