Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Transported my brother to his appointment with the Medical Oncologist.  He told him it looks real good that the cancer is gone.  He looked in his mouth and saw that he had Thrush.  Gave him a prescription for it.  Wants to see him back in 2 weeks.

He was very weak today and his lab work showed his white blood cell count was low and his potassium and magnesium were low as well.  He received his infusion of fluids with nausea meds, and potassium and magnesium.

He will be receiving one more week of fluids on Monday and Thursday then it will be cut back to once a week.  He was told that he would have to start hydrating himself at home.  He needs to take sips of water by mouth which he is not doing.  Says it hurts to swallow but tells his doctors that he is not in any pain and won't take any pain meds.  Does not gargle like he should with the magic mouthwash which contains Nystatin for prevention of Thrush and mouth sores.

Not sure why he is non compliant.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful news! Hope he is feeling better soon.

    Virtual hugs,

