Saturday, April 1, 2017


TGMC called to inform me that I am to show up at 12:30 instead of 7:30 on April 3rd.  I also do not go to the out patient clinic but report to the Radiology Department at the hospital.  And I do not have to be fasting.

The nurse was very nice and informative and explained in detail exactly what my procedure will be like.  It will take about an hour or so for all of the Ultra Sound images and slides to be made as well as the needle biopsy.  I told her I was going to take a Xanax and she said that was fine.  They would have given me a Valium in the out patient clinic so that is why I don't have to go there.

I also received a call from the billing department and they wanted to know if I would be paying the copayment at the time of procedure and I said yes.  So they will give me a discount and my cost will only be $249.

Then got a call from my family doctor Scott Haydel's nurse who wanted to know how I was doing.  She said that they have not received any paperwork from the ENT doctor and was curious as to my treatment.

I told her what I had been through these last few weeks and that I was thinking about going in to see Dr. Scott to tell him how concerned I am about my treatment.  She agreed that I should.

I'm still researching and reading a lot online about enlarged lymph nodes, tongue ulcers, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

The ulcer on my tongue is bothering me more and more every day.

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