Friday, January 5, 2018


Today I tried several foods with some success.  For breakfast I tried some Cream of Wheat.  I had never eaten this hot cereal so didn't know what to think of the first bite.  But after the second bite I couldn't eat any more of it.

Then later I tried a small piece of banana which to my surprise tasted as it should.  So I had several bites of it with some soda to wash it down with.

Tonight I boiled some carrots and put melted butter on them with some salt.  I ate all of the pieces that I cooked.  They tasted as they should.  Then I tried some left over lasagna.  I took one bite and it tasted pretty good but still burned my throat so I threw it out.

Then I ate my daily half a cup of ice cream float.

I also ingested through the tube 4 protein drinks.  All in all, I had a pretty successful day eating.


  1. I'm surprised about the carrots. I would think they would be too fibrous. Did you shred them first before steaming them?

    Virtual hugs,


    1. No, didn't shred them. Used the small baby carrots with the smooth skins.
