Monday, January 1, 2018


Went to my brother's house to pick up some supper for tonight.  Had a dog sitting job till noon so couldn't go for lunch.  Brought my little dogs along and they were happy to go for a ride in the van.  They were a little scared of my brother's large dogs but stayed up on the sofa next to me where they felt safe.  Had a short but nice visit and then came home. 

I brought them a cherry pie I baked last night.  Cut it in half and kept some for me.  I was able to take a couple of small bites of it last night.

Brought back some pork roast, black eyed peas, smothered cabbage, cornbread, and a glazed donut.  When I got home I heated up a tablespoon of peas and cabbage and roast.  I didn't know what to expect from my taste buds and was a little scared to try.  However, I was surprised that the peas were very good and I could have eaten more than a spoon full.  

Next I tried the cabbage and it tasted good but burned my throat.  It was like eating pepper.  Not sure why unless they put a lot of hot spices in it.  

Then I tried the roast which I was craving.  Not happening.  I chewed on a small piece but had to spit it out.  It tasted good but wouldn't break down in my mouth so that was a disappointment.  

I knew that the corn bread would not break down either but tried anyway.  Drowned it down with coke.  

Then I had 3 bites of the donut.  Tasted so good.  I was so happy that it tasted so good.  Had to drink some coke with it but it did not clump on my tongue like bread does.  I really enjoyed it.

So that was my eating experiment for the day.  Coming along slow but I am thankful for every advancement.  I'm going to be pushing myself for the next couple of weeks as I am planning to have the PEG tube removed this month.  Scared as all get out to do so but I need to start eating. 

P.S.  Later tonight I cooked some rice to mix with the pork roast and gravy.  Was able to take a few small bites.  It tasted kind of funny but I was able to swallow it with a small piece of meat and coke.  That was the second time (last night I baked pie) I used my stove in almost a year. 


  1. Gettin' there! ;->

    Virtual hugs,


