Thursday, October 5, 2017


Loneliness often causes more suffering than physical pain.

There is every reason to believe that the solitude the seriously ill impose on themselves when they don't talk about their fear of dying contributes to making their condition worse.

We have a profound animal need for PRESENCE when facing danger and uncertainty.  Words aren't necessary.  It is important to listen rather than speak.  Gentle, constant, reliable presence is often the most beautiful gift our dear ones can give us.  But not many of them know that.

Visit the sick.  Be there for them.   Let them express how they feel about their illness and their medical treatment.  You don't have to agree with them... just listen.  It's not about making you feel better.


  1. Linda, I know we are not personally acquainted, but I am following your blog, and my husband asks about you every few days. We are both here any time you would like to talk about anything at all. We are still admiring your guitar player picture, and hope you will begin painting again soon!!

    Virtual hugs,


    1. Thanks Judilyn, that's sweet of you. I just want someone to come and sit by me. I know people work and have families to care for but I would like my friends and family to come to my house to check on me and sit with me. I need that right now.

  2. Totally understand . . . the personal touch is necessary. Gary says he doesn’t know how he could have gotten through it without me to be there with him every moment. Every day brings a new disappointment, and the loneliness can be overwhelming.

    I am so sorry that we are not closer to you, as we would gladly come to sit with you to talk/listen. Or take you out some place fun to be so that all of the effort needed to do this would fall on us instead of you. It must be very lonely for you, and truly, our hearts are breaking for you.

    But know that we are thinking about you and sending our very best feelings in your direction. I keep a copy of your guitar man on my tablet, and bring it up to look at it every day. It is just so inspiring. Your talent is so evident.

    1. It's good to know that someone is thinking about me. Yes it would be nice if you were closer to where I live. I am planning to make a few visits to family at the end of this month. If they can't come to me I'll just have to go to them. Thanks again for caring.
