Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Had appointment with ENT doctor today.  He did a scope down my throat and I could barely wait to hear what he saw.  At first he didn't say anything.  So I asked if there was any change in size of the cancer at the base of my tongue.  Then he said the tumor wasn't there and he didn't see anything.  At first, I felt nothing.  Not excited or anything because he was not smiling or happy or encouraging me in any way.  

So I asked again and he said he did not see the tumor.  There was a lot of swelling and inflammation still  - but that will go away in time.  I began to feel relieved.  He finally did show some enthusiasm and I told him that he made my day.

He examined my throat and gave me a script for some Nystatin for the mild case of thrush on my tongue.  And that was it.  I see him again in 2 months.

Of course, the only way to know for sure is to have a PET scan.  That will show any cancer that remains anywhere in my body.  Not sure when that will be scheduled by the Oncologist.  Probably in 3 months.

I'm still in a bit of shock.  It's almost like it is too good to be true.  And you know what they say about that.  But for now I'm going to enjoy the feeling of success in my battle with the beast.

Today I ingested through my PEG tube 890 calories, 50 grams of protein, and 16 ounces of water.


  1. That is wonderful, wonderful news!!! Hopefully you will see improvements every day - little by little, and then in giant steps!

    Virtual hugs,


  2. Great news! I hope that you continue to recover from symptoms and are cancer free.
