Monday, July 10, 2017


Got a call from the Cancer Center saying that the machine is down and not to come in today.  I was a little disappointed as that would push my finish date back again.  

I took this opportunity to go into the hospital and speak to someone in financial services.  She corrected a bill I had received and advised not to pay it just yet but to wait to see if I would be approved for financial assistance.  Said my our of pocket cost for treatment will be $60 per treatment.  Gave me a form to fill out.  Then I went home.

A little later they called back and said I could come in at 6:15 for my treatment as they had fixed the machine.   So off I went.

Saw the nurse and she asked me a lot of questions about symptoms.   I told her about the nausea that comes and goes.  She wrote down what I said.

Then the Oncologist came into the room and looked at my throat.  Asked about my PEG tube adapter leaking and I informed him that I had purchased a replacement online and will have a nurse friend of mine install it.  He said I was doing great and that my lymph nodes had indeed reduced a great deal which is a good sign.  Wants to see me again on Friday.  Then I went in for my treatment.

Feeling pretty good right now.

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