Monday, August 21, 2017


Got cleaned up and dressed this morning which was a big accomplishment.  Went to the store for supplies.  Wasn't as weak as I have been in the past but still couldn't wait to get back home.  Did a little laundry and cleaned by bathroom a little.  Haven't been able to do much housekeeping in the last couple of months.

Today I ingested 712 calories, 40 grams of protein, and 24 ounces of water. 
I hoping that once the pain in my throat becomes less severe I will be able to drink water as well as push it down my PEG tube.  I'm really concerned about not getting enough water in order to help in the healing process.  

Another big concern is that my ability to swallow will be in need of some exercise.  I'm just so afraid to aspirate now when I take sips of water.  I cough a lot after swallowing.  Sometimes I feel the water come back up into my throat and I have to keep swallowing several times to get it to stay down.  

Some cancer patients have scar tissue that forms and closes up the throat and they have to have a trach and continue to use the PEG tube the rest of their life.   I sure hope that doesn't happen to me.

I'm doing some exercises for my lymphedema in my neck.  The purpose is to try and get the lymph fluid to disperse as it can no longer do so on it's own due to the radiation damage.  It just takes a few minutes a day and easy to do.

I slept through the eclipse today.  I forgot all about it. 

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